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Activity report

Who organized the activity? Doina Pătrunjel

When? 15.09.2017

Where?Camping and Students Club

Why?to learn about respect and tolerance


  1. Knowing each other better;

  2. Provide help when is needed;

  3. Appreciate respect and tolerance

Participants:15students and 3 teachers

Short description of the activity :”Cycling Day” in partnership with the institutionalized children from ”Casa Familiala” Intorsura Buzaului. It was a great opportunity for our students to have an experience for respect and tolerance:they offer bicycles to the orphans, they teach them to ride, they offer sweets an spent an afternoon with them


Results of the activity:


  • Photos

  • Report

  • Impressions 


Title: We are Europeans

When? 17th Oct 2017

Who organize? Snezhana Dobreva and Stefan Tsonev

Where? City culture home

Main aims:

  1. To know more about other European countries

  2. To respect their culture, traditions and religions

  3. To accept others

Activity and materials: Interactive games, presentation, worksheets


Activity report

Who organized the activity? Fatih Ermez , Mehmet Özer ,Ä°smet Atalay

When? 24.10.2017

Where? Isparta Nursing Home

Why? to learn about respect and tolerance


  1. Respecting old and understanding the life;

  2. Understanding that sharing is  priceless ;

  3. Appreciate respect and tolerance


Participants: 30 students and 3 teachers

Short description of the activity.

We have visited the Isparta Nursing Home with 30 students and 3 teachers. Before we have bought  small presents  to  them and went there . After trying to know each others  our students started talking , listening ,helping , having some drinks with them . But all my students have seen that these old people do not need anything .they just need to talk , to share some time, to be listened  and to be remembered . So with the nice memories we left the home and all students decide that they will visit them as soon as possible.

Results of the activity:

  • Photos

  • Report

  • Impressions


Respect and Tolerance Activities in Katowice, Poland.


On November, 9th 2017 we had workshops on “Respect and Tolerance”. We took part in some interesting activities. In one of them we had to draw “ a typical Pole”, “a typical German” “a typical Russian”. Then we discussed what stereotypes “live” in our minds. Students admitted that sometimes we judge others knowing nothing or only a few details about somebody  Another activity was to choose a person and tell her/him to leave the room. Others think who this person can be now, e.g. an immigrant, “stupid blonde woman”, homeless, etc. Then the person comes in and others try to show him/her who he/she is. Of course, we use stereotypes reacting to this person. Then we ask the person how she/he felt. The person often says that he/she felt offended, humiliated, etc. Then students drew conclusions that not every blonde girl is stupid or every immigrant is a terrorist. Teachers also paid students’ attention to the fact that international educational programmes like Erasmus + help us understand different cultures and behaviour. The activities performed during Respect and Tolerance Activities made students think why respect and tolerance are important in functioning in a class, family, society.

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This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein” The content and management of this web-site are under the responsibility of Gazi Sosyal Bilimler  Lisesi the coordinator  of the Project “BESTeachers,BESTudents”

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