2nd TPM meeting plan
2nd TPM was completed in Bulgaria between 17th-21st July.We have planned the meeting activities before the TPM,so everything was completed according to the planned.
You can see our detailed plan here.
Math&Science teaching presentations of Partners
All the partners have presented their Math&Science teaching.We have just learnt how the others teach and what methods/systems they use.Here you can find our current Math&Science teaching presentations.Also you can find our suggestions to be better on teaching process.
1-Turkish Presentations Math & Science
2-Slovakian Presentations Math & Science
3-Polish Presentations Math & Science
4-Romanian Presentations Math & Science
good example of Science teaching by Emilia Stefan
5-Bulgarian Presentations Math & Science
6.Spanish Presentations Math & Science

General Reports of 2nd TPM
2nd TPM was completed in Bulgaria between 17th-21st July.We have planned the meeting activities before the TPM,so everything was completed according to the planned.
You can see our general report here
You can see some useful applications for Math and Science here
Math Game
During the TPM , Bulgarian partners have prepared a short game which we can play in our lectures to take students' attention and make our lessons more fun :)

Museum of Natural History
During the TPM , we have visited Museum of natural history

During the TPM , we have visited Planetarium

Aladzha Monastery
During the TPM , we have visited Aladzha Monastery

Botanical Garden & Palace of Balchik
During the TPM , we have visited Botanical Garden & Palace of Balchik

Kaliakra Cape
During the TPM , we have visited Kaliakra Cape

We have finished our 2nd TPM in Bulgaria between 17th – 21st July .In the meeting , we have studied the planned and organized activities. The Math and Science teachers have joined, explained their current situation in their schools, explained their teaching methods and systems. The teachers discussed their teaching methods, and problems /troubles they have during teaching period. Then the teachers discussed how to make their subjects more interesting to their students. The Spanish partners explained their methods as a good example of teaching by using technology in teaching period. Also the teachers studied and learned some applications which can be used in the classrooms. These applications will make the teaching more interesting and more permanent learning to the students. Then the teachers prepared their reports and we will share these reports with decision makers. Here you can find all the documents .