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Report about ”BESTeachers,BESTudents” Erasmus+ Project

Learning/Teaching/Training activity

As it was planned, we “BESTeachers,BESTudents” Project team  completed the activities in Türkiye between 7-11 May 2018 . All the activities were completed as planned  and written in timetable.The timetable is here 
On the 1st  day of the LTT all the  students and teachers meet in the  school at 9 in the morning ,and we had formal opening the meeting.Then  we had an icebreaking activity

Then at 10:00  the students were divided  into the groups and we had democracy workshop . In each group students  studied what democracy means for  them and then they prepared some presentations  about human rights and children rights .

After lunch the students  visited some places.The first group  visited the NGO (Elele NGO) and there students  had chance to learn about Turkish traditions.( Turkish wedding cerenomies ,festivals and funerals

The second group went to shopping mall and they had a chance to see Turkish people shoping habits

The third group  visited the Mosque and learnt Turkish people habits and rules of religion

On the 2nd day of the LTT we had a cultural visit to Antalya ,First we visited Perge and then museum
On the 3rd  day of the LTT students groups studied and they prepared presentations about citizenship /human and children rights /voting /pace and migration . They prepared photo slide shows and explained  their thoughts about these subjects
On the 4th day of LTT we had a cultural trip to  Pamukkale
On the 5th day students had prepared some  discussions about their countries .They  explained about someone/ something or events  about children /human rights.
You can see the students' studies from the 1st day of LTT 
   1-democracy klaudia kozmová  Here
   2-Muzeu-Lb. Engleza-romania  Here
   3-Parish_Sita-Buzaului            Here
   4- SHINING STARS (1)          Here
   5- Citizenship (2)                     Here
   6- FREEDOM SLODIERS (3)   Here
   7- (4)                                       Here
   8- AVENGERS (5)                    Here
You can see the students' studies from the 3rd day of LTT 
    1-citizenship    here 
    2-elections      here
You can see the students' studies from the 5th day of LTT 
    1- 29 OCTOBER.turkey                            here
    2- Childrenday.spanish                             here
    3- democracy klaudia kozmová                 here
    4- slovakia.humanrights.childrenrights     here
    5- Poland-Humanrights.childrenrights      here
    6- The National Day of Romania               here
    7- Turkiye Children and human rights      here
On the 1st day of the LTT meeting we have visited "Elele DerneÄŸi" and all participants 
havechance to know Turkish culture and traditions. Also our visit to this NGO will 
be on local meida. You can see the link here
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This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein” The content and management of this web-site are under the responsibility of Gazi Sosyal Bilimler  Lisesi the coordinator  of the Project “BESTeachers,BESTudents”

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