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We have organized Math camp with our students on 28th April.


Report on the Maths Camp in Poland

On July, 6 2017 students and teachers from Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych no. 3 organized the Maths Camp! We prepared a lot of games and competitions connected with Maths in which many students took part. Maths can be fun too!!!

Among others we played a board game named Scotland Yard.  When playing this game you have to think logically and work with other players.

In Scotland Yard, one of the players takes on the role of Mr. X. His job is to move from point to point around the map of London taking taxis, buses or subways. The detectives – that is, the remaining players acting in the game – move around similarly in an effort to move into the same space as Mr. X. But while the criminal's mode of transportation is nearly always known, his exact location is only known intermittently throughout the game. The board game Scotland Yard, is an interesting and different game since the game can and will change depending if you are Mr. X or a detective. Both have different roles in the game. Mr. X is on his or her own but the detectives work together to find Mr. X. If you're Mr. X, you must avoid capturing long enough for the detectives to run out of their fare tickets. If you're the detectives, one of you must capture Mr. X by landing on the same space as Mr. X occupies. A trip through Central London using their mass transport system (buses, taxis or the underground) to find Mr. X or to get away from the detectives. To take certain forms of transportation, you must be on the correct boarding spot and have the correct fare - no ticket, no ride! Scotland Yard, is a strategy/mystery game and can be loads of fun for a larger group of people.


Report on the Maths Camp in Turkey

The Math camp was organized by our Math teacher Mrs Yasemin Filiz TURGUT


We had a math camp on May 22nd.

We wanted to understand and reinforce the terms we have learned throughout the year in a fun way. And we decided to prepare a board game called taboo.

First of all, we cut some red, blue, orange and green cards into small pieces. We chose some math terms and asked our 12-member-team to search for the determination of six forbidden words while explaining their term.

On the first day, we cut the papers, determined the words and shared them among us.

On the second day, we wrote our words above and the forbidden words below.

We prepared the taboo board and created two groups and tried to explain some of the words without talking and some of them by drawing.

The game took two hours and we revised all of the terms in a fun way.

The students who are quiet during the lessons played the game with pleasure, too.

We can do this for each unit by using domino cards


Report on the Maths Camp in Romania

Who organized the activity?

BărbușArdeleanRodicaGeorgeta-Math teacher and MureaCalin Constantin-entrepreneurship teacher and Staicu David, student XI-grade

When? 14.06.2017

Where? The Camping area

Why?To develop communication skills and entrepreneurship in an informal environment.

Objectives: at the end of this activity, students will be able to:

  1. Identify the best solution

  2. Work efficiently in team

  3. Develop creativity

  4. Find that Math can be useful and fun.

Participants: 14 students and 1 teacher

The Math Camp was designed around one important activity: students have to find the best solution to cover the surface of the scene from Camping area.

Moments of the activity:

1. First, students mentioned 3 reasons why they love/hate Math.

2. After the problem presentation, students, organized in small groups, measured the scene and calculated the area.

3. Each group presented the result, analyzed the errors and then, established the true value.

4. Students got informed about the best option for covering the surface (material, price, aspect, resistance, endurance etc.) and calculated the total cost.

5. Every team contributed with its result to a prices chart and discussed about the best solution.

6. Evaluation of the activity: students responded to this question:

  1. What is the most important thing you have learnt today?

  2. Would you recommend this type of activity to your colleagues? Why/Why not?

  3. Do you love/hate Math?

During this activity the certificates of participation were handed in.

Results:14 filled questionnaires, price chart, decorated T-shirts,

Teachers: Bărbuș Ardelean Rodica

Murea Calin

Who organised the activity?  Maths teacher

When?                     17.4.2017

Where?                   School field

Why?                      Teach students to solve  exercices in different area

Participants:           students - gardeners



All students were divided into groups and their task was to find the shortest way from  point  A to the point B for the shortest time

The winner got some present that can use on Math.




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This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein” The content and management of this web-site are under the responsibility of Gazi Sosyal Bilimler  Lisesi the coordinator  of the Project “BESTeachers,BESTudents”

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