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We have finished our 1st TPM in Turkiye between 21st -25th  November .In the meeting , we have studied the planned and organized activities. First , the school headmasters and assistant  headmasters explained the education systems in their countries, so we have chance to compare these systems. We have seen the differences, pros and cons of each systems. Then we have studied  the problems and solutions of school managements. Then the English  teachers have studied the current situation of teaching language in their countries. We have compare the traditional teaching processes ,  discussed the problems we face to face, and talked about solutions and best teaching methods and approaches in our lessons .Finally we applied  these methods in our lectures during the day . We also discussed the  school dropout and the reasons of absences  .According to the survey results we applied before the meeting , we have decided some solutions and made a plan to do these activities. Here you can also find our reports of studies .

1st TPM meeting plan 

1st TPM was completed in Turkiye between 21st -25th  November.We have planned the meeting activities before the TPM,so everything was completed according to the planned.

You can see our detailed plan here

Education Systems of Partners

All the partners have presented their educational systems .We all know others education systems.When the LTTs will be completed , we all know what we will see.Here you can see the education systems here and you can also see the differencesand similarities of the systems.

1-Turkish education system is here 

2-Slovakian education system is here

3-Polish education system is here

4-Romanian education system is here

5-Bulgarian education system is here

6.Spanish  education system is here

General Reports of 1st TPM

1st TPM newspaper 

During the 1st TPM we invited our local newspaper journalists and we had interviews about our project,1st TPM and our activities.Our partners have had interviews and explained their ideas thoughts about the project ,Isparta and Tuırkey. We thank our partners and our local newspaper representetives. Here you can see the photos 

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This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein” The content and management of this web-site are under the responsibility of Gazi Sosyal Bilimler  Lisesi the coordinator  of the Project “BESTeachers,BESTudents”

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