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Report about ”BESTeachers,BESTudents” Erasmus+ Project

Learning/Teaching/Training activity


The title of the meeting: “Knowing each other”

The period: 03-07.04.2017

Place :MirceaEliade Theoretical High School, ÎntorsuraBuzăului, Romania

Participants:45 students and 15 teachers from Turkey, Bulgaria, Spain, Slovakia, Poland and Romania.

Products of the activities: video-messages for the organizers,puzzles, collective drawing, a song about friendship,  photos, painted eggs, videos about ”Rich and poor lifestyle”, broadcast on radio ARME,  interview for regional  mass media, feedback from students and teachers questionnaires, essays about the places they visited, testimonials from parents about their impressions.

Results :

  1. Students met each other.

  2. Foreign students lived in another family, have known people, places, traditions and food.

  3. Romanian host-families learned about diversity and empathy.

  4. Students cooperate in international work groups and they have made together a lot of products.

  5. Students, teachers and parents developed their communication skills in English.


  • The Learning/Teaching/Training activities from MirceaEliade Theoretical High School have had a strong impact on the entire community: students, parents, teachers, local authorities and inhabitants of our town.

  • Romanian families keep in touch with their guests and make plans to spend next holidaytogether.

  • Students and teachers from other schools ask for help to achieve an Erasmus+ grant.


Descriptions of activities:

First day, “Knowing each other Day”, the guests learned a song about friendship from the Romanian students, in English and in all the project languages and had a performance in front of the public, after they presented their school and their country. Then,students organized in international teams solved togethersome tasks: puzzle, drawing, video message record, group photo and built a tower. In the meantime, teachers analyzed the first digital magazine, realized by Polish partner and planed the future project activities. In the afternoon, every national team presented a traditional Easter/Spring custom and a video about the national Easter desert. Romanian students offered a symbolic gift to all the participants:a red painted egg. After this, students and teachers enjoyed to visit the culinary exhibition and tastetraditional food from all participant countries.

Second day, “The crafts Day”, students and teachers had a documentation tour in Covasna County, where they   find out a lot of information about old tools, old occupations, means of transport in the past, the lifestyle of people in the past and today. They visited museums, they traveled by an old train, they prepared and tasted some traditional desert, took pictures and spoke with local people about the importance of the education.

Third day, ”The Healthy Day”, students and teachers  spent a lot of time outdoor, in the forest, climbing on the hills, cycling, admiring the waterfall and a natural reservation, interacting with local people and talking about the Erasmus+ experience with a journalist, for the regional mass media. Only the workshop about “Rich and poor lifestyle” was organized in the classroom, teachers were helping students to solve some study cases and to record a short video about a teenager’s life problem.

The fourth day, ”The cultural Day”, Erasmus+ team had another documentation tour in BraÈ™ov County, where they visited Dracula Castle, the old town, the first Romanian School, the Black Church, they interact with local people, took photos and have noticed travel impressions.

The last day, ”The farewell Day”, the students from the project presented in front of Romanian students, parents  and teachers from MirceaEliade Theoretical High School their project products, the radio ARME team interviewed foreign students about their experience in  Romania, then, all the students had some experiments in the Chemistry Lab where they learned that ”Science is fun”. In the afternoon, parents invited students and teachers to join a great party to celebrate Erasmus+ project. The participants received certificates and diplomas, tasted Romanian food and have fun together.

Feedback report about ”Knowing each other” workshop

1. A quarter of the students felt very well during this activity, almost 70% of them felt well, but a student felt bad.

2. Most students remembered the first name of their colleagues from the international work group (80%)

3. The favorite activities were the tower, the puzzle and collective drawing, then the Orchestra ”BESTudents, BESTeachers” and the video - message for the organizers.

4. Most students (64%) said that this workshop helped them knowing each other.

Feedback from the workshop “Rich and poor lifestyle “participants:

Most of the students felt well during this activity and had an efficient communication in the international work group, 70% of the students found a lot of similarities between the study case and other cases from their countries and most students think that this activity helped them to appreciate more education. Their video products have been appreciated by the other Romanian students and teachers.

Teachers said that students cooperate very well in the international group; they needed support from their teacher to understand the content, to create the scenario and to realize the video product.They appreciated this activity and they willdisseminate it in their school, in English Camp or other events.




Headmaster ,                                                                                  Coordinator,

Bularca Maria                                                                               Pătrunjel Doina



As it was planned,we “BESTeachers,BESTudents” Project team  completed the activities in Romania . We  are really to  thankful  to the host school LICEUL TEORETIC MIRCAE ELLIADE  for their great hospitality.All the activities were well-organized by the host school and it was aesy for us to reach our aims.In our activities ,our aims are

-to learn other cultures and lifestyle

-to be able to cooperate and find solutions of local problems

-to present their own customs and habits about Easter and wellcoming spring

-to discuss the results of survey(most famous/popular jobs)

-to present the digital magazine

-to check the local activities and to decide the future activities and time of the future meetings

-to spend nice and quailty time in the school

The Romanian partner has organized the activities for students for the aims.The students  have a wonderful 5-day-study.

1st day-Knowing each other day

2nd day-The crafts day

3rd day-The health day

4th day-The  cultural day

5th day-Thefarewell day

The letters /surveys about the students’ feelings show that they really have had a fantastic week and leant much about other cultures,life style and beliefs.Also the activities supported to learn foreign language better and cooperate more effectively.The students use ICT more effectively and recorded movies In these activities their creative side of learning help them to complete the activities .Thanksto activities, they have had both nice time and learnt the importance of education.The lastday of the LTT,the farewell party was organized and all the host families /students and guests came together andspent nice time.  

All the students have had wonderful experiences and new view of life and education.This is one of the most important aim of our Project.  




In the cultural day ,the Turkish team and all partner students played their traditional folk dances.


You can see their videos here



The workshop " Rich and Poor lifestyle"

 has revealed our students  skills and thye have had wonderful time, and learnt the importance of education .


You can see their videos here

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Video 5

Video 6

On the firstday ,the students have studied 

together and prepared a wonderful musical workshop

All the partners have presented  their Easter 

customs and how to wellcome spring.

Also many students have joined the 

Bulgarian partners' custom and had great time    :) 

The Romanian Partner has prepared the well-organized activities everyday. The students and the teachers all had wonderful experiences by studying and working together.These activities have shown that education is the best way to have a qulified life

The Romanian Partner students have had interviews with their guests ,and they have shared their experiences.

This work shows that our project has a really positive impact on our students,our teachers,our local society. The students have joined the school radio programme 

You can see the interview here 

Our local newspaper has published our project news.During the 2nd LTT they visited our school and had interviews with our guests .The local community and all families have chance to see our activites and project results.We thank to our local media members to show interests our project and education.


The Friends Song

The song named "Friends" were performed in each partners'  own language and English as well .This activity shows us that we are  real friends forever.

You can see their videos here










Director of Development


İstiklal Mah. İstasyon Yanı,32300 Merkez Isparta

+90 (246) 223 79 86 Phone

+90 0246 223 1034 Fax

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This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein” The content and management of this web-site are under the responsibility of Gazi Sosyal Bilimler  Lisesi the coordinator  of the Project “BESTeachers,BESTudents”

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