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Report about ”BESTeachers,BESTudents” Erasmus+ Project

Learning/Teaching/Training activity

As it was planned, we “BESTeachers,BESTudents” Project team  completed the activities in Bulgaria between 19-23 March 2018 . We  are really to  thankful  to the host school  “Hristo Botev “    for their great hospitality.  All the activities were well-organized by the host school and it was easy for us to reach our aims. You can see the timetable of Bulgarian  LTT here as well. In our activities ,the students  have completed  the  following activities and tasks
On the 1st  day of the LTT all the  students and teachers meet in the  school at 9 in the morning . The Headmaster of the host school  Mr  Venelin LAZAROV  had a welcome speech  .Then thecoordinator of the projects had an interview with a local TV channel . Then the dance club of host school  presented  their folk dances .
Then all the partners presented  their presentations about their school / city / and their countries . These presentations  were made by the student   themselves.
Then the host school  IT teacher Mrs  Snezhana had a workshop about using technology and application Kahoot . All the participants   had a wonderful  time and learnt the lesson using the Kahoot. 
Also you can see her kahoot presentation here
Then  the students   had an activity “ let me know  you “  ,This activity gave chances  students  to learn others and their values . They learnt what their values /beliefs and others life styles.After lunch  the students  set up their international groups and went out to discover Popovo .  After  3 hours they have prepared their presentations and presented  others
On the 2nd day we planned to have a cultural visit but we couldn’t start the visit because of the heavy snow .And as the host partner offers all the   students met in the school and the 3rd day activities started 1 day earlier.
​Then the 1st activity was completed. The students were given a piece of paper and in each paper one of the situation was written and the students were asked to be the character in the paper .Then according to the situations the students were asked to  go up one step . And then  some of the students couldn’t reach and some of them could go up . This means in the life they do not have the same opportunities but with the education and  having with the same opportunities  they can have same life conditions in the future.
Then each countries have presented their presentations about  Human rights/ children rights and students rights.
Slovakian presentation      here
Turkish presentation         here
Spainish  presentation        here
Romanian  presentation      here
Bulgarian presentation       here
Polish presentation             here
After the break the international groups were organized and  each group have the rights .Then they were asked to prepare a scene and explain their human rights   but they must be in the photo, so after the activity the host partner can prepare the human right  calendar both printed version and e-magazine version.
Then all these studies were prepared as calendars ande-magazine 
You can see the e-magazines of the project version 
Digital magazine 1 here
Digital Magazine 2 here 
Children Rights Calendar  here
Human Rights Calendar  here
Multilingual Dictionary here
First we have met  and started to trip to Tryavna and Veliko Tarnovo . Nearly at 10:30 we reached the Tryavna .First we have visited the museum of Art .And we have seen the periods of Bulgarian Art and important Bulgarian artists . Also the  building was used as a school in the past and we have learnt the  Bulgarian  education system . In the classroom there were 1st , 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students in the same time .The 1st grades were in the 1st row and they were using sand  while learning and the 2nd grades used the wooden board and duster. The others used ink while learning. Also there were systems to courage students to study and punishment systems.
After we had another visit to museum which is famous for its wooden arts.
Then we went to Veliko Tarnovo and had lunch there.
On the 4th day we visited the  Pliska (capital of Bulgaria 681 – 893 ) and here the guide  explained the history of the place .Then we visited the Basalica and museum of Cyril Alphabet and the history of Cyril alphabet in Bulgaria
On the 5th  day we met at the school and  the students presented their roleplay and then had traditional meals and sweets of Bulgaria.
The certificates were given to the participated 
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This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein” The content and management of this web-site are under the responsibility of Gazi Sosyal Bilimler  Lisesi the coordinator  of the Project “BESTeachers,BESTudents”

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