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Report about ”BESTeachers,BESTudents” Erasmus+ Project

Learning/Teaching/Training activity


As it was planned, we “BESTeachers,BESTudents” Project team  completed the activities in Slovakia . We  are really to  thankful  to the host school  Stredna odborna skola polnohospodarstva a sluzieb na vidieku   for their great hospitality. All the activities were well-organized by the host school and it was easy for us to reach our aims. You can see the timetable of Slovakian LTT here as well. In our activities ,the students  have completed  the  followings

* learning  other cultures and lifestyle

*cooperating in international team  and finding some international problems  and  solutions of  them

*presenting  their own presentations about   school, cities and countries

*studying and working in international team and completed the workshops about arrangement  of flowers and cooking

* having interview with a famous Slovakian conductor of symphony orchestra Igor Duhavic (asked questions related with his life ,life styles, view  of education , and about  his profession …)

*having some cultural trips and sightseeing

*preparing Project newspaper and printing the newspaper

*painting the t-shirts  ( some pictures on the t-shirts related to their own country ) and  drawing their flag ,giving them each other as present /gift ( respect and tolerance )

*going to ice hockey match between the host city and others and supporting the team as  the Besteachers,Bestudents family for respect and tolerance .

As  Project coordinators we have evaluated the first year of our Project .We have compared the ESL rates of the last year. We have seen that  the following results . Also we have studied about etwining Project as well. We decided the activities and time in e-twining . We also talked about  activities and timetable of Spain TPM.

Now here we can try to explain the activities day by day .

1st  day After the formal opening ,the Turkish partner has explained the last year activities and evaluated them. And all partners shared the ESL rates of the last year and they were compared with the previous years

Then all partner students presented their presentations about their school, city and country.

The students were divided some groups and had the workshop on arrange of flowers and cooking. They  served their sweets to their teachers and each other.They had great time with teamwork and sharing .
In the afternoon they had an interview with the famous  conductor of symphony orchestra ,Igor  DOHOVIC. They all asked questions to him and had great time with him. This activity is also a career day for  the students.And the coordinators discussed  the Spain meeting and activities.
​After All partners and students had a city tour and enjoyed the sightseeing.

2nd day  On the 2nd day  all students took part in the Respect&tolerance activity. All the students got  a  t-shirt and some pencils .Then they paint their countries’ flag and one important place/tool/ or something related to their culture. After some of the students wrote their mottos on t-shirts. Finally they mixed and gave their t-shirts each other as a present J

After  this activity ,we all went to the Vinicky Tokayski . And we visited the local company to see how they produce wine  .Here they also showed  us how to be wine expert . After we visited the Vocational school .


​3rd day Today is also a cultural day. We went to  Ice cave .On the way to Ice Cave the students celebrated their Bulgarian friend’s birthday J We visited the European unique Ice Cave and learnt that it is a world heritage cave .


 Then we went to the river Danube  and had rafting there . This river is the border between Poland and Slovakia.


4th day The students planned their teams and started to  work for the project newspaper.They  shared  their tasks and studied ,Then they used the programme and prepared the newspaper .The newspaper consists of  8 pages and all the tasks and topics were chosen by the students


 You can find the newspaper  that our students prepare and publish  here

While the students were studying on newspaper ,the coordinators were studying about e-twining  project which is organized and planned by the Turkish and Romanian partners

 Then we went to city zoo and had visited Tower .


5th day The students were divided 4 groups and  given 4 international problems. They had brainstorming  and offerd their own solutions about these problems. These problems were read by one teacher and it was stated that these papers would be sent to decision makers.

​In the afternoon the Certificate ceremony was organized . And for the respect and tolerance activity ,Friday evening  all partners bought  tickets for the ice hockey match and we all supported the Kosice ice hockey team. This was the one of the best activity in Slovakia LTT.After the guest  partners started to leave Kosice and go their home.


Our students  have set up their team and chosen 4 international problems.Then thye have discussed and offered some solutions . Here below you can find their studies.



In the last tıme the number of refugees ın Europe has ıncreased a lot.

The maın reasons of mıgratıon are:

  • Economıc mıgratıon: moving to find work or follow a particular career path.

  • Socıal mıgratıon: movıng somewhere for a better quaılıty of lıfe or to be closer to famıly or frıends.

  • Polıtıcal mıgratıon: movıng to escape polıtıcal persecutıon or war.

  • Envıronmental mıgratıon: causes of mıgratıon ınclude natural dısasters such as a floodıng.

So what can we do to solve thıs problem?

For fırst two types of mıgratıon the solutıon ıs the same-makıng better.

End xenofoby and racısm by educatıng people.

Developed countrıes as the Unıted States, Rusıa, the European Unıon should end the conflıcts as the Syrıan war, Lybıan war or extremısm.



A lot of people know that the terrorısts are muslıms but that ıs not true. Terrorısts are people that seek power by forcıng people to do thıngs that affects others. Terrorısm can be stopped by educatıng people ın a way that they can make the dıfference between bad and good.

One of the causes of crıme ıs people that don’t have enough money or mıss somethıng ın theır lıfes that they cannot compensate for the easıest way of gettıng ıt ıs by stealıng ıt from others. Thıs can be solved by the government, takıng actıon on people by consultıng and helpıng them to prevent crıme before ıt happens.

All of those problems revolve around on sıngle problem that exıst ın some parts of the world educatıon. Educatıon can solve those problems because a person wıth a good educatıon fınds solutıon ın a good way for those problems.

Educatıon of people are the roots of theır actıons.



The planet ıs warmıng, from North Pole to South Pole. The heat ıs meltıng glacıers and sea ıce, shıftıng precıpıtatıon patterns and settıng anımals on the move. The clımate ıs changıng (the wınter ıs less cold). The sea level has been rısıng more quıckly over the last century.

People should thınk more about protectıng the envıronment, be more ecofrıendly. Use publıc transport or bıcycles ınstead of cars. Bıg cars companıes should produce more cars run by electrııty. Stop cuttıng the raınforests. Stop usıng washıng machınes so often.

Protect some of the specıes of the anımals (polar bears). Use the drınkıng water wısely. We should not waste ıt (stop the runnıng tap). Cıtıes shoould buıld more cycle lanes.



Nowadays, unemployement ıs a problem ın many countrıes.


-Fırstly, government should gıve us more job posıtıons accordıng to the needs of the young people.

-Another solutıon ıs to reduce the retırement age.

-EVS or Erasmus+ gıve us the opportunıty to ımprove skılls and reach portfolıo and get more experıenced.

-Government and schools should not lımıt our creatıvıty.

-More government programs to ımprove entrepeneur ınıtıatıve of young people.

-Government should reduce the socıal assısstance for the unemployed people.

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This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein” The content and management of this web-site are under the responsibility of Gazi Sosyal Bilimler  Lisesi the coordinator  of the Project “BESTeachers,BESTudents”

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