BESTeachers,BESTudents, 2016-2018
Today, 10 March 2017, in our school came an officer, which represents the Ministry of National Defense. He presented the specific conditions for military career, in front of 80 students,which were interested in this profession and each necessary step to fallow this career.
The purpose meeting was to present to the students register with a lot of absences and to the Erasmus+ project team, the importance of studies and the great work opportunities for the graduates.
It was about Military Academy, with different specializations, foreman military school and worker in the army, after high school graduated.
Students find out that military career has a lot of responsibilities, but a lot of benefits, too: a 4 years’ work contract for the beginning, clothes, food and the rent, plus the flexible program which offer the opportunity to continue studies in the University.
Some of our students ask about the admission system, physical and psychological tests, English, Math and Physics tests and the terms for exams.
All students and teachers received flyers, brochures and posters about this presentation.
They appreciate the opportunity, offered by our school stuff,to be informed about their future career.
Headmaster Erasmus+Project coordinator
Bularca Maria Pătrunjel Doina

Report about the participation of Romanian students to the RIUF, at Brașov
Romanian International University Fair - RIUF is the best educational event
in Romania and East of Europe. Every year, about 100 educational institutions,
from 20 countries,are coming to interact with young people from Romania,
who are interested in international studies.
In 23rd of March, 2017, 12 students of MirceaEliade Theoretical High school
from ÎntorsuraBuzăului participated to this event, organized in BraÈ™ov.
After they submit online and selected a professional domain they are interested
to know better, students received the code for access at the event and
they submit for a presentation.
”It was interested because I had the opportunity to interact with
international universities representatives and I found out details
about studying abroad”, said Tonie Alexandru, 11th grade.
Students were interested about educational offers from all the universities from Romania and other countries, specializations and tuition; they spoke with ClujNapoca, Denmark, Netherlands and UK Universities representatives, vocational counselor and got a lot of information about scholarship and other opportunities.
”About my RIUF experience, said Precup Diana Maria, 12th grade, I just heard what I needed to hear. I was very excited when I discovered at the vocational advice desk, a young lady, who explained very easily, all about my future: benefits and opportunities of each professional domain that I dreamed. If I had no had this experience, I think I was still confused.”
The TEAM Academy presentation was very attractive for our students, because they may apply from 11 grade and they could initiate and develop a personal business during the college. The Entrepreneurship Academy from Bucharest accepted our invitation and will come in April, in our school, for a XI grade student’s presentation.
”RIUF, for me, said Găitan Emilia, 11th grade, it was an impulse for me to better understand my future. This experience helped me to understand that are a lot of professional domains and I have to be well informed to take the best decision.After this event, I think I want to study abroad.”
Teacher PătrunjelDoina
Project coordinator

Career day(III) Activity Report
Today, 29.03.2017, at Mircea Eliade Theoretical High School of Întorsura Buzăului was presented the Junior Summer University 2017 program within Career Day – activity planned in the Erasmus+, BESTeachers, BESTudents project. The presentation was held by Marin Georgiana – Mădălina, student in senior year, in the role of JSU 2016 graduator.
Aim of activity: Promoting the JSU 2017 program to students in eleventh grade.
Objectives of activity:
To inform the students in connection with the project’s objective.
To present the steps in order to be admitted in the project.
To share the personal experience regarding last year’s session.
To realise an interactive presentation by using material resources like a projector and many flyers.
To organise a question session.
The aim group was formed of 90 students (XII A, B and C classes) and 3 teachers.
The results: 90 students directly informed about the project, photos from the event, more than 20 students who want to join the selection of JSU 2017, students from the “NicolaeBălcescu” Technological High School who are going to be informed through flyers and posters.
Marin Georgiana - Mădălina
Project coordinator

March 11, 2017