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Career days

According to our survey results ,we have planned visit to Isparta Courthouse and our students met to Judges and public prosecutors.They  were very pleased to this visit and this visit helped them to shape their desicions
We have organized the 2nd Career days activity and we invited the lawyer Mr.Ali Osman ALTUNBAÅžAK to our activity.He ıntroduced what the Lawyer profession and faculty of Law.Our students have asked a lot of  questions being a lawyer,their income etc...This activity helps our students to shape their future career.We thank to Ali Osman ALTUNBAÅžAK for his participating to our activity.
We have organized the 3rd Career days activity and we invited a local popular  journalist Åžakir AKSÖZ to our activity.He ıntroduced what the journalist  profession and Faculty of Communication and Media / Department of Cinema and Television studies.The students have asked questions being a journalist,income ,their problems ,problems on political reasons,etc... The activity has been  longer than planned.We thank to Åžakir AKSÖZ for his participation to our career day.
We have organized the 4th Career days activity and we visited Süleyman Demirel Universty FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES. Some academic staff from Public Administration,Labour Economics and Ind.Relations,and Business Administarations gave lectures and our students asked their questions.We thank all the Academic Staff for their participation.
We have organized the 5th Career days activity and we invited the Training Coach  Cahit BESLER to our  school .He has given a nice and wonderful speech to our students about their future career. The activity has been in a warm athmosphere and he explained the importance of being social to decide to their career.


We have organized the 6th  Career days activity and we visited  the provincial gendarmerie command and spent the day all together with our respectable gendarme members.  We asked the questions about their jobs  and walked around their place. They all helped us and explained what they do and conditions of their professions. We all are happy and porud of them when they shared their experiences. We thank to our Provincial Gendarme Command  and Colonel Mustafa ÖZDURHAN.


We have organized the 7th  Career days activity and we visited Isparta Youth Center. Here a computer engineer has met our students and gave important suggestions to our students. Also they have noticed the important subject about technological dependence and effects of it to our life. We thank to the youth center for their nice kind hospitality.




We have organized the 8th  Career days activity and we visited Isparta Süleyman Demirel University. Doç.Dr.A.Åževki DUYMAZ gave speech to our students about being academician at university. He answered our students all questions and shared his experiences. We thank to Doç.Dr.A. Åževki Yılmaz for being with us





We have organized the 9th  Career days activity and Mrs. Tarane Hs from Azabeijan State University .She gives information about international relations and importance of international relations. After the seminar our students had a chance to talk to her and they learnt about being academician at th university. We thank to Mrs. Tarane Hs  for being with us




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This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein” The content and management of this web-site are under the responsibility of Gazi Sosyal Bilimler  Lisesi the coordinator  of the Project “BESTeachers,BESTudents”

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