About "Besteachers,Bestudents"

Welcome to Gazi Sosyal Bilimler High School,
KEY Action 2
Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Strategic Partnerships for school education
(Coordinator) Isparta Gazi Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi TURKEY
Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych nr 3 w Katowicach POLAND
Gimnazia Hristo Botev BULGARIA
Stredna odborna skola polnohospodarstva a sluzieb na vidieku SLOVAKIA
Liceul Teoretic Mircea Eliade ROMANIA
Centre Educatiu Balaguer SPAIN
Main aims of Project : Our Project is a 24-month-project and the objectives of the project is to develop and strengthen the profile of teaching profesions by supporting teachers to deliver high quality teaching deal with complex classroom realities and adopt new methods and decreasing the school dropout level. With the project ,we want our teachers to feel responsible for the school development and their professional development.The teaching and learning process never ends.We know that formal and informal education completes each other.And we want the teachers to use any possible technological devices and approaches in their professional life by sharing ideas and practises.And all these approaches will help us reach our objectives of the project.
Also in our Project we want to decrease the school dropout level with the students activities ,by encouraging them to joining the activities. We are going to revise all the reasons of school dropout with the new point of view again.thanks to brainstorming on these reasons we will offer and apply new solutions .With the help of surveys we are going to organize and revise our activities according to the students’ strengths and weaknesses.These surveys also tell us what kind of activities and supports are the most suitable for them.We also want our students to be active citizens and so they feel they are important for the society ,and they will try to reach their goals.

​Fatih ERMEZ
Head of Admissions
To request more information:
Contact the Admissions Office
Mon-Fri 8am - 4pm
​Tel: +90 (246) 223 79 86
​Fax: +90 0246 223 1034
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